Brave The Shave!
Sam (Head of School) and Adriana (TA) had their heads shaved for Brain Tumour Research on Friday. They have raised £3000 for Brain...
Brave The Shave!
Wet afternoon in the woods!
Hello Apollo!
High School at the forest
Live link to Uganda
High School Creative Project
Time Travel to Ancient Greece
High School Forest School Fun!
Puzzle completed!
Anatomy of a Plant
Eco Day and Pancakes!
Puzzles Galore!
De-fib on site.. for us and for our local community
Romeo and Juliet
And back to school we go!
Musical week starts tomorrow!
Tuddenham Campus
Ready to go!
A snowy morning in the woods
Brave The Shave!
Wet afternoon in the woods!
Telephone : Primary: 01473 233782
High School: 01473 212571
Email :
School Mobile for contact out of school hours and during school holidays - 07738783092